Monday, October 27, 2008

Rainy days bring flooding...

Marudi town in Miri was inundated by flood water since Sunday. According to my source, the worst affected were areas in Kampung Narum, Kampung Dagang, Kampung Ridan and Kampung Padang Kerbau with between three to four feet of water.

The deluge is coming from the upper and central Baram, Tinjar and Apoh Tutoh made worse by the torrential downpour affecting the region.

Some of the flood victims were being moved to the evacuation centre in the drier part of town where they were given relief assistance such as food and clean water.
The situation has been made worse since there has been reports that the town is also facing fuel shortage, while the flood disaster relief committee could hope for fuel supplies to come in for them to conduct rescue operation in case the situation gets worst in the coming days.

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